Distribution as noted plays a critical role in the music business as it begins the road to recovery of sometimes-huge sums of money invested in the capital-intensive recording business.
But has the distribution system assisted immensely in ensuring a return on investment for music business practitioners and investors in the country?
This been the headache of most of our musicians and producers, felt the need to come together and fight for a better distributing system in order to save the industry.
Africa 2007
To this effect, top musicians and producers gathered yesterday at the Kama conference hall to climax a series of educational, inspiring and empowering seminars calculated to transform Ghana’s Music Business and propel it onto the world stage where it rightfully belongs.
A seminar organized by Metro TV in collaboration with Busac, a Consultant and Music Rights Advocate and also a pioneer in championing the course for a better music industry in the country, Mr. Carlos Sakyi, called on the industry leadership to be committed to professionalism, adopt best practices of the worldwide industry and stay effective and competitive on the global stage.
He cautioned these leaders to stop fixating on trivialities and focus on moving the industry forward.
“It is consequently imperative to ensure professional distribution systems and the needed structures to be put in place for music business practitioners, be they recording artists, executive producers and fascinated investors” he stated
According to him, several musical works have crashed down and resulted in bankruptcy for investors due to lack of relevant knowledge of the dynamics, workings of mass marketing and how to bring recorded product to retail outlets and ultimately to the consumer.
He added that the inability to maximize sales of the albums is also as a result of defective and largely dysfunctional distribution systems.
Mr. Sakyi cited Ghana’s distribution system as peculiar and unique, evolved from independent record labels using small outlets specifically created and designed for their own contracted recording artistes to carry cassettes and Cds of other executive producers and artistes who lack facilities for displaying and selling their works.
Though most of these outlets are advertised as distributors of the recordings, the Consultant said that the primarily points of sale do not perform functions and provide services associated with professional music distributors.
According to him, without proper organized distribution system, the majority of projects in this high-risk business are doomed to failure as most projects sink into obscurity for lack of cash to sustain the business.
“There is no need to re-invent the wheel, as in this global village, we can always tap into countries where proven systems are operational and have a high success rate. An example is South Africa where coherent and efficient professional distribution companies ensure music products reach consumers in as many outlets as possible throughout the country,” he said.
Mr. Sakyi cited availability of product in retail outlets, customer satisfaction on finding desired products at outlets, visibility for artistes and record companies, prestige attached to products in major outlets as key advantages of professionally organized distribution.
Also the return on investment assured for successful records, proper utilization of promotional and marketing efforts, reduced piracy Sustenance of artist’s career and record label’s business he said could be achieved as a result of a properly structured distribution system in the country.
Distribution in the music business can range from carrying your records CDs and cassettes into a number of shops to colossal marketing and promotional mega-bucks and campaigns undertaken by major record and distribution companies.
Source: The Ghanaian Chronicle
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