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All That Glitters is Gold: Celebrating the Remarkable Life of Julius Debrah

In a world often enamoured with wealth and power, few individuals embody the true essence of greatness like Julius De..

  • 13
© Kumasi 1 Thermal Power

From Anwomaso with love

It is always a delight to pop down to Kumasi, and last week, a combination of official and personal engagements drew ..

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Review: Nio EL6

With the EL6, this Chinese automaker dreamed of drivers swapping their batteries instead of charging them. But the We..

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5 reasons why hydrogen cars should be favoured over electric cars

Overall, hydrogen FCEVs are lower in total emissions than BEVs if green hydrogen is used. Fuel cells are 100% recycla..

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Beware of the ‘humble protégé’ who never disagrees with you

I have been practising Medicine in Ghana for over two decades. I have greyed in the profession. I have seen people ma..

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Questions and answers about ant

What do you call two teenage ants running to vegas?    Antel..

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© US President Joe Biden talks to leaders during the group photo at the US-Africa Leaders Summit on December 15, 2022 in Washington, DC. PHOTO | KEVIN DIETSCH |GETTY IMAGES |AFP

Why the West still gains in the new Africa scramble

The discussions between the Biden administration and African leaders during the latest US-Africa Summit held on Decem..

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Speech by the Prime Minister of Ghana at the opening Session of the All African People's conference on Monday 8th December 1958

Fellow African Freedom Fighters, Ladies and Gentlemen,It is my considerable pleasure to welcome here today many offic..

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Speech by the Prime Minister of Ghana at the closing Session of the All African People's conference on 13th December 1958

Fellow Fighters for African Freedom, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy to be here this morning to say farewell to you ..

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The Ghanaian should be blamed for the Country's current Economic woes and not the Government

The World has experienced one of the most lugubrious and challenging adverse economic moments since its existence, re..

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Sea water desalination technology: Way to go

The past few years have witnessed massive increase in world’s population and this has no doubt influenced profoundly ..

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© Dyson

Dyson’s air-purifying headphones

When Dyson announced its Zone noise-canceling and air-purifying headphones earlier this year, the company kept some d..

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