Ghana Aids Commission Website
4th Floor Ghana Olympic Committee Building Adjacent Ridge HospitalThe Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC), as the highest policy making body on HIV and AIDS,provides effective leadership in the coordination of all programmes and activities of allstakeholders (Public sector, Private sector, Development Partners and Civil Society ) in the response against HIV and AIDS through advocacy, joint planning, monitoring and evaluationfor the prevention and the control of the disease. [b]The Roles and Functions of GAC[/b] To formulate comprehensive national policies and strategies and establish programme priorities relating to HIV & AIDS. To provide high level advocacy for HIV & AIDS prevention and control. To provide effective leadership in the national planning and support supervision. To expand and coordinate the total national response to HIV & AIDS. To mobilise, control and manage resources and monitor their allocation and utilization. To foster linkages among all stakeholders. To promote research, information and documentation on HIV & AIDS. To monitor and evaluate all on-going HIV & AIDS activities. The GAC provides leadership for the implementation of the National Strategic Framework II and the diagram below summarises the goals and the seven priority intervention areas of the national response.Since its inception in 2002, the GAC Secretariat has through the implementation of the WorldBank supported country programme called GARFUND (2001-2005) and M-SHAP (2006-2010), progressively developed capacity to provide leadership in HIV/AIDS response in Ghana. M-SHAP is implemented by public, private, and civil society organisations,coordinated by the Ghana Aids Commission (GAC) based on national procedures and guidelines. The GAC support institutions at national and at decentralised levels to implement the national response based on activities articulated in the Program of Work for the year. The implementation agencies include 1. Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and Regional Co-ordinating Councils (RCCs); 2. District Assemblies, Municipal and Metropolitan Assemblies (MMAs), 3. NGOs, CBOs, umbrella organisations and FBOs; 4. Private sector, 5. International NGOs, Research and Academic Institutions. The GAC Secretariat, headed by a Director General provides technical and administrative support to the Commission. The Secretariat is structured into five functional divisions, each headed by a Director, with the Director-General as the Chief Executive who has the responsibility for overall management of its programmes and activities (Appendix III for Organisational Structure of GAC Secretariat). The Director-General (DG) of the Secretariat is a full member of the Commission. One of the technical committees established under theGAC is the Steering Committee which approves and guides the work of GAC Secretariat. The staff strength of the GAC Secretariat is 36. This comprises management (11), middlelevel (7) and junior staff (18).
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