Islam | A Fresh Perspective Website
[b]Ahmadiyya Muslim Community [/b]has been leading a global effort to revive the true, peaceful message of islam as taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) This revival of the true Islamic teachings was initiated by the founder of the community. Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad(peace be upon him),who said: [cite]"The mission for which I have been and appointed is to remove that growing gap in the relationship between God and His creation and replace it once again with the relationship of love and sincerity; and by allowing the truth to manifest itself, cause religious wars and discord to end and thus lay the foundation for peace"[/cite] He claimed under Divine guidance to be the Promised Messiah and the Imam Mahdi, the advent of whom was being awaited in this age. With this desire for peace, our community has grown and is now established in more than 195 Countries with a following of 160 million and in the UK we are one of the oldest Muslim organisations, established in 1913. Our current spiritual leader (Khalifa) remains devoted to peace and reminds us that: [cite]"Islam teaches us to always be mindful towards God Who is our Creator and to always keep His memory fresh in our hearts and to deal with His creation with love, affection, harmony and tolerance."[/cite] As Ahmadi muslims we believe that we must abide by these values in our daily life as they help foster a sense of unity, cohesion, harmony and peace the world over. [b]Some Key Islamic Principles[/b] [b]Belief In One God[/b] All prophets and all religions were sent from the same source - the One God Who is the Creator of all and Who continues to communicate with mankind. In Arabic He is called Allah but whatever term is used in various religions according to Islam [b]Belief in all prophets[/b] God sent His prophets to guide people to Him and to create peace amongst mankind. Islam requires Muslims to believe in all prophets without exception and to refer to them with respect and honour [b]Belief In All Divine Teachings[/b] All Divine religions were true at their sources. However, over time their teachings were eroded and forgotten, but God continued to send prophets to guide people back to Him [b]No Compulsion In Religion[/b] Everybody is free to believe, practise, preach and follow any faith of his or her choice [b]Equal Righs For All[/b] Men, Women anf people of all races stand equal in the sight of God. Only righteous deeds elevate one person above another and this opportunity to excel over others is open to all [b]Protecting The Sancity Of Life[/b] Islam emphasises the sancity of life and unequivocally rejects violence and terrorism in any form (including suicide bombings) and for any reason. All Muslims must promote peace at every level and shun hatred and discord. [b]Motto: Love for all Hatred for None[/b] We serve humanity in many ways including a wide range of activities that provide disaster relief, medical facilities, energy, education and self-help programmes across the world. Loyalty:Freedom:Equality:Respect:Peace
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