Headaches are very common and they can be caused by a large number of triggers - stress, alcohol, poor sleep,
hunger, fevers, pre-menstrual syndrome, meningitis, high blood pressure, eye strain, arthritis of the neck,
sinusitis, brain tumours, dental problems, inflammation of blood vessels (arteritis) and migraine.
But a headache which starts suddenly coupled with nausea or vomiting and dislike of bright light could be
meningitis, especially if the person also has a stiffness or rigid neck.
Any headache which is also accompanied by neurological symptoms such as numbness, difficulty in speaking, blurry or
double vision needs to be seen by a doctor immediately to rule out stroke.
A throbbing headache along with dizziness or unsteadiness may also be due to high blood pressure.
Any headache that is persistent and is not responding to normal painkillers should be a strong reason to seek a
medical opinion, but don't presume the worst as brain tumours are rare!
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