A flourish of nothing but glorious roses, the soothing quiet of trickling water: These are all possibly if you decide to design your own specialty garden. It's up to you to decide how special a garden you want.
There are many different kinds of specialty gardens. Some people prefer organic gardens, knowing that they've created healthy soil to ensure healthy plants. Rock gardens give people solace. Roses are beautiful and a delight to walk through. Water gardens are peaceful and beautiful, but require some work to maintain.
In this article, we'll discuss how to grow a specialty garden.
* Planting an Organic Garden
Organic gardeners prefer to keep their yards clear of chemicals that could be potentially hazardous. They keep their gardens nicely in bloom without sprays or pesticides. To do this, they add organic matter to the soil. This soil enrichment becomes fertile and moist, which is the optimal condition for healthy plants. Composting is one of the primary methods of organic garden. In this section, we'll show you how to plant an organic garden.
* Planting a Rock Garden
There are as many reasons for building a rock garden as there are people who build them. Rockeries are an easy and unique way to reduce lawn care on a hard-to-mow slope. They can recreate a piece of nature in the back yard. They can add an element of movement to an excessively flat landscape. They make an ideal site for a collection of delicate alpine plants and are also perfect for highlighting less delicate but tiny plants that would otherwise go unnoticed. Learn how to plant and maintain a rock garden in this section.
* Growing a Rose Garden
Roses have been considered special since the dawn of history. The ancient Egyptians grew and appreciated them, as did the Chinese, the Greeks, and the Romans. Empress Josephine, Napoleon's wife, surrounded her palace, Malmaison, with every variety of rose then available. As immigrants flooded into the New World, they often carried rose bushes with them, sometime bringing them right across the continent in wagon trails. Learn how to grow a rose garden in your front or back yard.
* Maintaining a Rose Garden
Roses have traditionally been grown in gardens of their own because they don't particularly like competition from other plants. As recently as the 1800s, the beauty of the rose garden was fleeting. Roses burst into spectacular bloom for a short period in early summer and then showed nothing but foliage for the rest of the growing season. In this section, we'll show you how to maintain a rose garden through the winter and all year long.
* Planning a Water Garden
Water contributes a sense of peace and tranquility to a garden, making it more inviting, more romantic, and more livable. Whether the water garden is little more than an enlarged bird bath or an elaborate aquatic environment brimming with plant and animal life, its presence alone makes your yard a more pleasant place. Water cools the air on hot days and helps keep frost away on cold one. Learn how to plan for a water garden in this section.
* Planting a Water Garden
Many gardeners put off plans for a water garden because they think water gardens require too much effort to start. In the past, that was mostly true because water gardens were formed by poured concrete -- a technique limited to the wealthy. With different flexible and prefabricated liners, most gardeners can install the pool themselves. Now, most gardeners can plant a water garden at their leisure. We'll show you how in this section.
* Maintaining a Water Garden
Activated by hidden pumps, moving water also supplies a relaxing background of natural music. Water in the garden attracts birds and butterflies. Water gardens require little care and are no more difficult to maintain than the average flower garden. If you have fish, such as koi, you'll want to remember to feed them and to provide them with enough space because if they're happy, they'll get larger and multiply. Some knowledge of the care and maintenance of garden pools and aquatic plants is necessary, but we'll teach you what you need to know in this section.
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