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African Traditional Religion - By Very Rev. Prof. Noah K. Dzobo

The indigenous idea of religion in Africa South of the Sahara has gone through an interesting history of misrepresentati..
  • 143


The guineafowl (sometimes called guineahen) are a family of birds in the same order as the pheasants, turkeys and other ..
  • 646

Guinea Pig

The Guinea pig (also commonly called the cavy after its scientific name) is a species of rodent belonging to the family ..
  • 673


Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There ar..
  • 680

The Political Scene Under The PNDC

For democracy to function effectively in Ghana, it was necessary to relate Western democratic processes to Ghanaian pol..
  • 115

The Provisional National Defense Council

Within thirty-five years of Ghana's becoming a sovereign state, the country experienced, before its fourth return to mu..
  • 113

Problems In Education

At least two major educational issues faced Ghana in the early 1990s--the effort to shift part of the expense of educat..
  • 113

Adult Education

A mass literacy campaign was started in 1951 as part of an overall community development program. The primary aim was t..
  • 113

The Position of Women

Women in premodern Ghanaian society were seen as bearers of children, retailers of fish, and farmers. Within the tradit..
  • 494

Social Organization And Social Change

The essential characteristic of the Ghanaian social system is its dual but interrelated nature. Even though the majority..
  • 579

Traditional Patterns Of Social Relations

The extended family system is the hub around which traditional social organization revolved. This unilineal descent gro..
  • 762

Social Change

Needless to say, contact with Europeans, Christians, and Muslims as well as colonialism greatly affected and modified i..
  • 773
Showing 13 to 24

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