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Difference In Rats And Mice

Rat and mouse are actually not scientific classifications. These words are common names for rodents that look alike to..
  • 316

Hybrid Political System

The post-independence Ivorian Constitution was modelled closely after France’s V Republic Constitution, with a strong, c..
  • 321

A Bit About Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees live mainly in rainforests. Tropical rainforests are home to all the world’s apes, but their territories can..
  • 269

What Happens when we sleep?

There isn't an automatic "switch" that flips off when we fall asleep and on when we wake up, says Dr. Leonid Kayumov, ..
  • 263

Hot Liquid Ups BPA From Plastic Bottles

Pouring boiling liquid into reusable water bottles or baby bottles made of polycarbonate plastic causes a much faster re..
  • 315

Razor Bumps

Razor bumps, also called pseudofolliculitis barbae, are small, irritated bumps on the skin. They develop after shavin..
  • 537

Why We Dream

When we sleep, we lose consciousness of ourselves. We do not know what happens to us or even our body. But our subconsci..
  • 293

General Difference In Plants And Animals

Plants generally are rooted in one place an do not move on their own while Most animals have the ability to move fairly ..
  • 267

The Cheetah

cheetah is the world's fastest land animal and the most unique and specialized member of the cat family. It can reach sp..
  • 290

The Importance Of Saturated Fat

Many people recognize that saturated fats are needed for energy, hormone production, cellular membranes and for organ..
  • 301

A Bit About Tortoises

Turtles have always been popular as pets, although their popularity has probably diminished from the days when baby aqua..
  • 558

How Birds Learn Songs Likened To Way Humans Learn Speech

Learning how baby sparrows learn to sing their songs could provide clues to how humans learn to speak languages. Univ..
  • 271
Showing 157 to 168

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