Naming and outdooring ceremonies is celebrated in most Ghanaian communities. It is called a naming ceremony because it is the first day the child is given a name and it is also called an outdooring ceremony because it is the first time the child is taken out of doors. Different ethnic groups have different names for naming and outdooring ceremonies.
Among the Akans, it is known as Abadinto or Dzinto, to the Ewes it is called Vihehedego, the Gas call it Kpodziemo and the Dagaris call it Sunna. In some communities, the baby is not taken out for some days when it is born. This is because they to know if it can survive the many dangers it will be facing after birth. During this time, the baby is regarded as a stranger or a visitor. Such a child is known among the Akans as Ohoho, to the Ewes, it is known as Amedzro and to the Dagombas, it is known as Saando for a boy and Saanpaga for a girl. The day for naming the child differs from community to community. Among the Akans, it takes place on the eighth day whiles it takes place in the Northern and Upper Regions on the 3rd and 4th day for boys and girls respectively. The choice of names and the procedures involved differs from the ethnic groups.
For example, among the akans, the child is given the first name on the day which he or she was born. For example, Ama and Kwame for a girl and a boy respectively,born on a Saturday. Get your name here>> Some ethnic groups also consult their cults to name their children. An example of such ethnic group is the Anlo. Some children are also named due to some circumstances. Example, Anto or Antobam in Akan for a child whose father dies before it is born. Awia or Kawia is also for a child born on a sunny day, this is among the Kasenas. Sometimes,in the Northern and Upper Regions, a diviner is consulted. The procedures involved during the day of naming the child differs from community to community.
Here is an example of how the Gas name their child.The Gas call their outdooring or naming ceremony as Kpodziemo. Early in the morning, two elderly women from the father's house are sent to go and bring the child from the mother's house. One is chosen to perform the rites.If it is a male child,the person chosen will be a man and vice versa Such a person is recommended to be of good character so that the child will have The same character when he or she grows up. This elder pours two libations which are cornwine and gin or schnapps. Cornwine is used for the first libation. This drink is provided by the mother's family.
The corn wine is poured at every doorstep and the main entrance to the house. The second libation which is the gin or schnapps is provided by the father's family.After the libation, the child is brought out and stripped naked. The child is then put on the ground. A calabash of water is thrown on the roooftop so that it trickles on the child as rain. This rite is of much importance to the Ga's because it introduces the child To rain and the earth. These days, the water is sprinkled onto the child without being put on the rooftop. The child is then given then given some Wine to taste. A final libation which is known as outdooring prayer is poured. This libation is offererd to ask for blessings of the child's family and Prayers for the child to be obedient,truthful and respectful. The child's name is then announced to the gathering after which corn wine is served and gifts are presented to the child. The ceremony ends with feasting and merry making. These days, formal education, christian and Islamic religion have influenced greatly in the performance of naming ceremonies.
Babies are no longer kept in the house . They are born in hospitals, clinics, and health centers. Some therefore spend more days in these places mentioned above and therefore the naming ceremony does not take place On the eighth, third and fourth days. Water trickling from the rooftop with the child naked is not practised again. Also, alcoholic drinks such as schnapps, gin and palmwine for wetting the Baby's lips have been replaced with soft drinks such as fanta and coca cola. Naming ceremonies have also turned to be big social occassions which now take place after the eighth day and in addition to traditional names given to them, religious and European names are also given to children.
Naming ceremonies are considered important in our Ghanaian communities because it identifies the baby as an individual. Naming ceremonies also mark the beginning of the laying of the foundation for good morals and values such as truthfulness. Even though the child cannot talk and understand whatever goes around him, he is taught to be truthful and this is seen in the water and the wine or gin given to him to taste. The child is also named after someone or an ancestor with good character and it is expected that when the child grows, he will be like the person he was named after. In addition to traditional names, European names are now given to children. Akan Child Naming Ceremony By Maame Afia Serwaa-Fobi Naming ceremony is done for the child to be recognised in the society and also to have a name. 'Abadinto' is the name given to naming ceremony in the Ghanaian society to be specific Akan dialect. The ceremony takes place in the father's house on the 8th day, the reason for waiting for 8 days is to know whether the child really came to stay because it is believed that some children don't like the weather or just come to look around and go back to wherever they came from. Some of the items used include schnapp, 2 glasses,a bottle of water, a ring a basket&broom for girls and cutlass for boys. In the Akan society you don't have to send out invitations, because it use to be a society where everybody is a friend to the other. On the scheduled day the mother baths the baby and they both dress in white cloth and stay indoor till the ceremony starts.
As early as 6am some of the people who are more close to the mother comes to help in the preparation. Around 8am, when all guest have arrived the child's auntie on the father's side takes the child unto the laps and both the water and the schnapp is poured into separate glasses and she then dips her forefinger into the schnapp and then mentions her name 3 times and then put it in on the child's tongue (let's take it she is called Afia) she says Afia when you see schnapp say is schnapp, goes through the same process with the water, Afia, when you see water say water this is done to signify truth, meaning the child should grow up to tell the truth. then the mat is spread on the floor and the child is placed on it naked and the broom is put in her hand and she is covered with the basket after a second or so the basket is removed.
This signifies that she should not grow to be a lazy girl but rather hard working, one who will always be ready to help with the house chores and of a helping hand to the husband when she marries. After that the ring is put on her forefinger. After all this is done, a special feast is thrown for all the people who came and some people even stay in their homes till the feast time so that they come to enjoy with those who came. This is the process through which a new-born baby is passed through before she is given a name in Ghana and to be specific in the Akan society. Yaa Asantewaa Girl's Secondary School