Earning per Share (EPS) = Earnings / Number of Shares in Issue EPS is a key r..
Most private investors, and a good many others, invest most of their money in th..
The big attraction of the pharmaceutical sector is that it is very defensive. Mo..
A monopoly exists where there is only one supplier of a product or service. This..
A cross elasticity is the effect on the change in demand or supply of one good a..
Investors can reduce risk, and improve the level of risk relative to return, by ..
In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicinei , the popular dieta..
Depression is a medical condition that affects nearly 21 million American adults..
* Black cohosh has a history of use for rheumatism (arthritis and muscle pa..
he U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advises consumers to stop using dieta..
* Echinacea has traditionally been used to treat or prevent colds, flu, and..
Treatment claims for Asian ginseng are numerous and include the use of the herb ..
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