Kantanka Automobile Company Website
+233 24 342 0101
Kantanka Automobile Company Limited is a vehicle manufacturer and assembly company with the objective to manufacture and assemble cars with higher added value, expand OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and create a niche market with new types of vehicles that give value for money to medium and lower income earners in Ghana, Sub-Saharan Africa and the rest of Africa. Kantanka Automobile Company Limited researches, designs and develops cars that institutions, government agencies and individuals will need by analyzing market trends, consumer behaviour and surveys.
Kantanka Automobile Company Limited is a subsidiary of the Kantanka Group of Companies founded by Apostle Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo Kantanka, the Founder and Leader of Kristo Asafo Mission of Ghana.
Kantanka Automobile Products range from high quality 4×4 cars with built-in resistance to tough terrains, to latest clean energy technologies such as electric cars. The first Kantanka vehicle was manufactured in 1994 as prototype sedan by the Kantanka Group Founder, Apostle Dr. Ing. Kwadwo Safo. The company has taken off since then exploring various means to increase driving and affordability comforts of the average Ghanaian. Mass production begun in 2016 with the company setting up its first showroom in 2018. It currently enjoys mass support and usage across West Africa with patronage cutting across social classes. Ghana’s Finance Minister in 2021, Ken Ofori Atta, is a proud user of a Kantanka Amoanimaa Saloon Car.
Source: Kantanka Group